Example of Spoof-Beach & Bitch

Example of Spoof - Beach & Bitch
Beach and Bitch | Spoof ala Rifai’s Blog. This Spoof is a spoof that made for my Writing Assignment. The spoof title is Beach and Bitch. Check it out...!

Beach and Bitch

One day, there was a young man walking around in the garden. He was a broken heart, for his girlfriend left him and going out with the other man.
"Why must you leave me? I can't live without you". The young man shouted. The gardener approached him and said, "What the hell, boy? You look so sad. I think you have to go to beach to refresh your mind". The young man replied, "Aha, a good idea man. Thanks for your suggestions."

Robinson Crusoe Story Part 3

Robinson Crusoe Story Part 3 | Rifai's Blog. Hi Guys, how are you today? you're right, aren't you?
Ok Guys, I had tell you about the summary of Robinson Crusoe Adventure at the Part 1 and the Part 2, but what was happen next to Robinson Crusoe?
Let's see the Next Summary of Robinson Crusoe here.

Robinson Crusoe waked up afraid, but it is only his parrot. When he walked along the shore, he saw a footprint. He thought there were some cannibals there from another island. He was very afraid, so he made his house stronger for more protection. One day in his twenty-third years on the island, he saw a fire on his side of the island, so he went up the hill and saw nine cannibals eating their terrible dinner. One morning in his twenty-fifth years on the island, he saw five canoes, so he went up the hill and saw thirty cannibals dancing around a fire.

Belajar Ala Ngonoo-Anti GAPTEK

Belajar Ala Ngonoo-Anti Gaptek
Mas Bero dan Mbak Sista. Gimana nih kabarnya hari ini?
Semoga selalu dalam keadaan baik, dilancarkan rezekinya dan tentunya selalu bahagia. Amin....

Ok, Mas Bro dan Mbak Sista sudahkah hari ini belajar?
Belajar itu wajib lho, Nabi Muhammad saw saja pernah bersabda bahwasanya kita diwajibkan belajar dari dalam kandungan sampai ke liang lahat. Bahkan ada juga tuh, hadits yang mengatakan kalo kita diwajibkan belajar walau sampai ke negeri China.

Di era digital seperti sekarang ini yang semuanya serba mudah, kita juga harus tetap belajar, belajar bagimana memanfaatkan teknologi dengan sebaik-baiknya. Era digital ini memang telah merubah gaya hidup kita. Mau makan, tinggal pesan lewat telepon, 10 menit kemudian datang tuh makanan. Kita mau tau kabar saudara kita di luar negeri, tinggal sms atau telepon aja, langsung nyambung tuh gak usah repot-repot nulis surat, kirimin ke pos, nunggu berbulan-bulan baru nyampe, belum juga kalo tempatnya terpencil, wah tambah lama tuh sampainya. Bahkan semua informasi-informasi di seluruh penjuru dunia bisa kita dapatkan dengan cepat dan mudah menggunakan internet/dunia maya.

Robinson Crusoe Story Part 2

Robinson Crusoe Story Part 2 | Rifai's Blog. Hi Guys, how are you today? you're right, aren't you?
Ok Guys, I had tell you about the summary of Robinson Crusoe Adventure at the Part 1, but what was happen in the island to the Robinson Crusoe?
Let's see the Next Summary of Robinson Crusoe here.

In the morning of first day in the island, he swam out to the ship to took some things, such as food, clothes, knives, and guns. On the next morning the ship finally sunk. Robinson Crusoe shoot  bird for eaten and cut  a mark in a wood to hat there was a big tent inside it, and he put a small tent inside of it to put all his foods. One day, there was a earthquake and hit his fence, so he was very sick. On the next day, he walked around and came to a beautiful place-a fresh, wild garden. He took some fruits and then he builded a home there.

Reading Comprehension Skills

Reading Comprehension Skills
Reading Comprehension Skills | Rifai’s Blog. Hi Guys, here I will share you about Reading Comprehension, taht Reading Comprehension is oen of Reading Skill. I will show you an example of reading comprehension about article titled Merapi Guardian Buried on Its Slope.
Merapi Guardian Buried on Its Slope

Mbah Maridjan, the caretaker of Mount Merapi who died after refusing to abandon his ceremonial post when the volcano erupted Tuesday, was buried around noon Thursday  in Srunen hamlet, in Cangkringan, Yogyakarta.
Hundreds of relatives and local people were present at the funeral. The funeral was also attended by Yogyakarta Governor and Sultan of Yogyakarta Hamengkubuwono X first daughter Gusti Pembayun and former President Abdurrahman “Gus Dur” Wahid” daugther Alissa Wahid.
Maridjan, 83, had been entrusted by the highly respected late Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX to watch over the volcano's spirits. For years he led ceremonies in which rice and flowers were thrown into the crater to appease its spirits. Maridjan had angered officials in the past by refusing to evacuate during Merapi’s eruptions.
“[His refusal to evacuate] was because of his responsibility as caretaker of Mount Merapi,” Hamengkubuwono said Wednesday.
Maridjan was among tens of people killed by hot ash spewed by Merapi on Tuesday in Kinahrejo hamlet, where he was born in 1927, which is located 4 kilometers from the volcano.
Famous for his convictions about his position, Maridjan was reportedly found in a praying position, kneeling facedown on the floor.

The title of the article is “Merapi Guardian Buried on Its Slope”.

The article is talking about Mbah Maridjan, the caretaker of Mount Merapi.

Yes, it is. The article is interesting to me, because it is talking about Mbah Maridjan, that he is very familiar in our life because he is the caretaker of Mount Merapi. We know that Mount Merapi is one of active Mount in our country and it is there since about one milion years ago and it’s erupting every four months.

1.    Abandon: meninggalkan
2.    Hamlet: dusun kecil
3.    Buried (Verb 2 of bury): dikubur
4.    Funeral: pemakaman
5.    Entrust: mempercayakan
6.    Crater: kawah
7.    Appease: menenangkan
8.    Refusal: penolakan
9.    Conviction: keyakinan
10. Reportedly: menurut laporan
11. Kneeling: bersujud

Yes, it is. The article is right for me because it teach me that we must be responsiblity and sacrifice to wake up our trust although it’s dangerous for our life. And it’s necessity in our life to create harmony life and we must be responsible our trust in the hereafter.

Robinson Crusoe Story

Robinson Crusoe Story | Rifai's Blog. Hi Guys, how are you today? you're right, aren't you?
Ok Guys, do you know Robinson Crusoe story?
Let's see the Summary of Robinson Crusoe here.

Robinson Crusoe was born on September 30 1632 in the city of York, England. He wanted to go on a voyage, but his father wanted him to be a lawyer. He asked permission to his parents, but they don’t permit him. One day he met his friend and then they went to London by sea. During the ship sailed, there were waves rose wildly, and terrible storm until the ship sink. Luckily there were other sail man helped them before the ship sink.

Alexa Rank
